Call for Offers

enpact e.V. is seeking to enter into a service contract for the provision of workshop and event venue and catering services. The primary objective of this tender is to secure a suitable venue and catering for an upcoming workshop and networking event. The workshop will host up to 60 participants. The networking event will host up to 120 guests. 

The venue should have the flexibility to host and provide catering services for both the workshop during the day and the networking event in the evening, either in the same or separate rooms, depending on the schedule and space availability.

You can find descriptions of the content areas and terms of references (ToR)’s here.

Additional information about the project can be found here

Application Process

Any entity wishing to respond to this call for tenders may submit a financial offer and a technical offer in English, which cover the approach and services they can provide for the expected contract duration. 

Accordingly, all offers must include the following components to be eligible:

  • A general concept for how the tenderer will deliver on the expected deliverables. This must include a price covering all the services foreseen in the concept. This price shall be considered the price ceiling that the tenderer is proposing.
  • A price list, which states the unit price for all foreseen deliverables.
  • The tenderer should propose a suitable project team for the contract implementation.

Offers are accepted until Monday, 21 October 2024, at 09.00 am (CET) and must be submitted by e-mail to

Please submit any questions regarding this call for tenders to until 17 October 2024, at 09.00 am (CET). All received questions and answers will be made public on enpact website to ensure equal availability of information to all interested applicants.

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