Female Tech Businesses in Africa
Key Stats
19.08.2019 to 31.12.2019
East AfricaSouthern AfricaWest Africa
Female Tech Businesses in Africa (FEBA) fosters capacity-building, network development, and the internationalization of women networks, multipliers, and stakeholders in Ghana, Kenya, and South Africa.
Nine participants who submitted program proposals were invited to a five-day bootcamp in Berlin, Germany, between August 19th and 23rd, 2019, where they received support in shaping and improving their own programs for female tech businesses and women networks in their countries. After the bootcamp, the participants had another week to implement their learnings into a final program proposal, and to compete for the application for funding support. Up to four projects could be selected for mentoring and financial support up to 15.000€ for the following four months.
Participants from South Africa included:
Nokuthula Patience Ndlovu
Founder & Executive Director of Limit Breakers Global Foundation
Naadiya Moosajee
Co-Founder of WomEng
Jenny Retief
CEO of Riversands Incubation Hub
Participants from Kenya:
Magdalene Catherine Wanjugu
Executive Director of NairoBits Trust
David Ogiga
Co-founder/Director of Sote Hub
Margaret Mutheu Mutua
Founder of 1Million Startups East Africa Chapter
Participants from Ghana:
Ivy Barley
CEO and Co-founder of Developers in Vogue
Edna Elikplim Semenu
Chief of Staff of Women in Tech Africa Ghana Chapter
Mami Serwaa Amoakohene
Senior Program Manager of Innohub
The FEBA project is supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and Strategic Partnership Digital Africa.
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