Ghana Start-up Fellowships
Key Stats
04.09.2020 to 26.11.2020
West Africa
The support and qualification measures for the organizations supporting the ecosystem were modified in order to create synergies with the project: Ghana Start-up Fellowships. For this purpose, monthly roundtables were developed, which were also open to the participants of the start-up scholarships. Thus, an increased exchange between the different stakeholders was facilitated.
A total of four roundtables were implemented. The formats took place as hybrid events analog and digital to comply with COVID-19 hygiene regulations.
1st Roundtable: How to Make Your Business Investment Ready?
On September 4th, 2020, this roundtable started with discussing specific actions that startups and companies can do to be attractive to investors/donors. Tech tools and resources were also presented to tangibly implement what was learned. Three experts were invited to participate in this session.
2nd Roundtable: Winning in the Digital Economy | Exploring resilient business models and the AFCFTA opportunity.
The second roundtable took place on September 30th, 2020. It discussed the relevance of broad, regional policy blueprints such as the African Continental Free Trade Area (AFCFTA) agreement to small African businesses and startups. In particular, the economic outlook for Africa was explored. The discussion focused on the fact that Africa’s combined gross domestic product is estimated at over $600 billion.
3rd Roundtable: Taxation Simplified
On October 30th, this roundtable took place with a focus on tax laws and related obligations for Ghanaian entrepreneurs and business owners. Ghanaian entrepreneurs and business owners are aware that they have to pay taxes. However, there is a lack of clarity about what specific taxes are due and what means and ways are available to pay them. This lack of knowledge often prevents them from taking advantage of tax breaks and other incentives to which they are potentially entitled. enpact’s third roundtable aimed to explain everything they need to know about Ghana’s tax system.
4th Roundtable: Digital Marketing – How to Generate Leads and Convert them into Sales
The fourth and final roundtable was held on November 26, 2020. It dealt with the dynamics of digital marketing. It first covered the basics of the topic and then delved deeper into the mechanics of generating leads and converting them into sales. The background to this is that in Ghana about half of the population, approximately 15 million people, have access to the Internet. Recent studies provide insightful results on the consumer behavior of Ghanaian consumers in relation to the internet presence of Ghanaian companies, which underscore the importance of digital marketing.
A total of 113 participants attended the various roundtables.