8 teams of young entrepreneurs started their journey of 3 months of pre-incubation, the second phase of MADE Program, in December 2022. Get to know them:
Green Flames, led by Moataz Mostafa
Green Flames is a welding device that generates high-temperature flames for industrial applications with zero emissions. The innovation encompasses water-splitting cells (HHO Cells) to generate a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gases for industrial processes requiring high heat, such as welding and cutting metals and glass. The device aims to store electrical energy in the form of hydrogen for an extended period of time without the need for upkeep or the release of any environmental pollutants.
Clean Quad, led by Nada Shagr
Clean Quad provides a sustainable and 100% qualified automated cleaning service for solar panels. Using IoT drones, AI cameras, and especially-developed water sprinkles help solar farms get better cleaning by reducing human interference, which improves efficiency and reduces the amount of wasted water, energy, and time during the cleaning process of solar panels.
Techno Tawfeer, led by Dina Dahy
Techno Tawfeer is a smart panel device used to reduce power building consumption. The device manages and controls other electric loads’ operation from anywhere, indoors or outdoors, through a mobile application in addition to helping consumers monitor power consumption without needing to change or replace home devices.
Rebot, led by Youssef Sharma
Rebot produces 3D-printed products and renewable energy devices from recycled plastic waste. Recycling PET Bottles waste by turning it into 3D printing material, Rebot team then uses this material to print renewable energy devices like wind turbines and generators. With that, Rebot provides these devices and other products at less manufacturing costs and affordable prices.
Eco-rise, led by Omneya Ahmed
Eco-rise provides a renewable source of energy using low swirl combustion, which can replace the non-renewable ones with its higher efficiency, lower energy consumption, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and wider usage in industry, including heating, electricity generation, water desalination, grain drying, construction materials industry, and pharmaceutical industry.
Windy, led by Ahmed El-Shahat
Windy introduces renewable solutions in the wind energy industry by providing a small-scale Vertical Axis Wind Turbine to serve the telecommunication, transportation electrification, and agriculture sectors. This solution can play a crucial role in the scope of climate action, and access to affordable and clean energy. With the concept of focusing on an innovative and efficient design of the blades and implementing the latest technologies, the Windy team works towards encouraging local manufacturing with an assembly that decreases the total cost, using available and accurate manufacturing technologies and materials to commercially serve such critical sectors.
Mech Masters, led by Khaled Hassan
Mech Masters generate clean energy from trash by waste gasification, a chemical process that converts carbon-based materials into a gas called syngas. Power can be derived from the subsequent combustion of this gas and is considered a renewable energy source if the gasified compounds are obtained from biomass feedstock.
Eagles, led by Mohamed Youssef
Eagles provide an innovative solar operating system that tracks the sunlight throughout the day to obtain the highest efficiency at 20% less than the actual cost. The current inverter converts the DC output from this smart solar system into alternating current to operate the intelligent irrigation system’s motors at 18% less than its actual cost. This intelligent irrigation system recognizes the soil type, measures the extent of soil moisture, and determines the water amount required in the irrigation process.
Learn more about the teams and their work through our blog!
In March 2023, a pitch event marked the end of the 3-month pre-incubation, where the 8 teams presented their progress with their ideas for the chance to be selected for the final stage of the program, the 6-month incubation. Based on the scoring conducted by a jury of business and manufacturing experts, Teams Eco-rise, Green Flames, and Windy were those who made it to this phase. Each team now accesses tailored business and technical training, dedicated mentoring, and a monthly support package valued at 550 EUR per team member to build the minimum viable product (MVP).