
AsiaBerlin: Japan – A Growing Global Community!

We enjoyed our third  AsiaBerlin event in the series, deep-diving into Japan’s startup ecosystem with Berlin Senate Department for Economics. With 90 attendees tuning in online, it was truly global community based in 10 countries; Japan, Germany, India, United States, Singapore, South Korea and the United Kingdom. We were joined by 4 key community partners at our broadcasting studio in Berlin and online, who shared their insights, resources, and collaboration opportunities for startups in Japan and Berlin:

Chika Yamamoto, Founder & Managing Director, CROSSBIE

Darius Moeini, CEO, Berlin Innovation Agency (BIA)

Makoto Takeda, Founder & CEO, bistream

Andrew Haw, Head of Network, Silicon Allee

We also heard from Tokyo-based Ikuo Hiraishi, Investor in Infarm GmbH and now Managing Director, Infarm Japan about #AsiaBerlin success story – Berlin-based company – Infarm – the world’s fastest growing farming network and its expansion to Japan. Ikuo shared about its innovative approach to Smart Farming solutions, his thoughts and advice about attracting Japanese investors to Berlin. A networking session closed the event with 8 digital breakout rooms and several speakers who joined to make important connections with participants.

Throughout the event, the discussion tapped on several key points of understanding and navigating the startup ecosystem in Japan, such as:

– Japanese government and cities offer measures and incentives for foreign startups to thrive in Japan

– Resources for helping foreign startups to succeed in Japan

– Type of support required for market entry to Japan at different stages

Reflections from our community partners:

I am honored and excited to be part of the team behind this amazing initiative and ecosystem! It was great to be able to talk about the cross border collaborations both in person and online. CROSSBIE looks forward to continuing the dialogue and increasing collaboration between the Berlin and Japan startup ecosystems.”” – Chika Yamamoto, Founder & Managing Director, CROSSBIE.

Stay tuned on our website and social media channels for updates on the next event for the monthly #AsiaBerlin event series and how you can join and take part in the community.

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