Key Stats
01.02.2021 to 31.05.2021
West Africa
As part of the Senegal Women and Energy Initiative, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), enpact e.V. and PESEREE/GIZ developed together an engaging and innovative program through which participants received in-depth mentoring training to support the promotion of female entrepreneurship in renewable energy and energy efficiency. Train the Mentor Senegal aimed to create a sustainable and supportive entrepreneurial ecosystem in Senegal by enabling experienced Senegalese coaches and entrepreneurs to transfer and share their knowledge and experience to entrepreneurial projects in their ecosystems.
The cohort had 10 participants from different backgrounds and sectors; consultancy, finance, engineering, human resources, coaching, startups expertise, energy and sustainable development. The program offered the participants a platform to work together, exchange knowledge, challenges and best practices of their fields.
Through the different components, this cohort had a deep understanding of mentoring as opposed to coaching and consulting and they learned how to apply the tools and methods needed in various situations for their mentees within the cleantech and energy sector. The program was organised in a hybrid form due to the public health issues and travel restrictions.
Participants showed high motivation and engagement throughout the different components of the program which consisted of four half-day workshops that took place in Dakar over a period of four months. Our mentoring expert Wail Daoud kicked off the first workshop on February 23rd, 2021. Participants learnt the essence and theory of mentoring in addition to its best practices, tools and techniques on how to apply it. The second workshop, taking place on March 30, 2021, was facilitated by our sustainable development expert Nathalie Roy who introduced them to methods and tools on how to establish a successful mentor-mentee relationship. The 3rd workshop, April 27th, 2021, had a real life mentoring approach. Mentors had the opportunity to apply what they’ve learnt during mentoring sessions with their matched mentees from the CIEREE program. They also had the opportunity to learn from the experience of the facilitator Mehdi El Batti who provided them with more insights on having a successful mentor/mentee relationship. The last session marked both the last workshop #4 for the TTM program and the certification ceremony. Through this session mentors had the opportunity to walk through and discuss the learned skills and secrets of building a successful mentorship.
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