Call for Offers – Support program implementation in india

enpact e.V. seeks to contract implementation services for a project tackling urban mobility in India. 

The Urban Mobility Berlin and India (UMBI) project targets challenges of sustainable urban mobility in Bengaluru, India, by connecting startups based in India or Germany with policymakers, mobility service providers, government institutions, and corporations. The project aims to offer innovative solutions to four challenges revolving around equitable, inclusive, and sustainable access to urban mobility, combining the expertise of the private and public sectors in both India and Germany via an innovation sprint in Bengaluru, India.

The project specifically targets scaleups in Germany and India that are adjacent to urban mobility, have around Series A funding at the time of application, can adequately address one of the four key challenges, and be able to undertake the Innovation Sprint in Bengaluru, India. The ideal outcome is a pitch, service, or prototype with a strong product-market fit for the Indian market, along with a subsequent potential corporate pilot, making a strong impact in the Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) sphere.

The UMBI project was established in 2022 by the Berlin Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises in cooperation with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through the Bund-Länder-Programm, and is implemented by enpact e.V. as an integral part of the startup platform AsiaBerlin.

It is cooperating in India with the bilateral program “Promoting India’s transformation to sustainable and climate-friendly e-Mobility”, commissioned by BMZ and implemented by GIZ and  the develoPPP programme ‘Green Urban Mobility Innovation Living Lab’ with the partner Bosch Limited in Bangalore, India.


The objective of this service contract is as follows: 

Overall Project Management & Implementation

Overall project management and support in the implementation of the innovation challenges in India. This deliverable requires travel to Hyderabad and Bangalore for carrying out the innovation challenges.

Local stakeholder management for the implementation of the innovation challenges

Sourcing and managing local stakeholders, experts, and trainers required for the implementation of the innovation challenges to be done in Hyderabad and Bangalore. This includes drafting a Request for Proposals, sourcing comparison offers, and filling procurement documents for each of the service providers.

Participant outreach, evaluation and selection for the innovation challenges

Compiling a list of outreach partners, conducting participant outreach activities, acquisition, filtration, evaluation, and interviewing of participating startups.

Project Reporting

This service contract stipulates that all relevant project reporting of activities, photographs, and videographs are handed over to the organization before the last week of March in the formats and templates provided by the organization.

This includes narrative, and financial reports as well as the provision of surveys and support in providing the required survey responses.

Geographic Scope

This service contract is open on equal terms to any natural or legal person, regardless of their domicile or seat. Eligibility is solely dependent on the presentation of an offer. Due to the specific nature of the expertise and network required for the deliverables of this tender, it is expected that the applicant demonstrates

  • access to a substantial network of businesses, experts, media and other stakeholders in the region,
  • a proven track record of promoting the interests of small and medium businesses,
  • a proven track record of creating networks between small and medium sized businesses and their local and national stakeholders.

Starting Date for the Contract and Duration

It is expected that the service contract will be signed in January 2023 and run until the end of March 2023. The contract duration shall not succeed a total of twelve weeks. The contract shall enter into force on the date on which it is signed by the last contracting party. The duration of the tasks and deliverables shall not exceed 30 March 2023. The execution of the deliverables shall not start before the contract has been signed or before the specific date specified in the contract.

Guidelines on Offer and Offer Deadline

Any entity wishing to respond to this call may do so by submitting a technical offer in English which covers the approach and services they can provide for the duration of the expected contract duration.

All technical offers should include a general concept of how the contractor will deliver on the expected deliverables and a financial offer, which states the price for all foreseen deliverables.

A contract manager should be appointed for the entire contract duration and shall ensure the overall management of the contract including timely completion of the activities, ensuring the required level of quality is met.

Offers are accepted until Monday, 9 January 2023 at 9:00 AM (Berlin Time – CET) and should be submitted by e-mail to with the subject line: Call for Offers for Project Implementation Services in India

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