Core area 02 - Crisis relief and resilience

Core area 02 - Crisis relief and resilience

Nothing is certain! While you’re busy planning every detail of how to execute your project, allocating every single resource accordingly, you can never prepare for events that are beyond your control—events that can happen from one second to the next. The only way to overcome the impact of such crisis situations is together.

In a crisis, we provide quick, direct financial support, resilience training, and mentoring over three to six months for MSMEs to sustain their operations.

Impact report 2023

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Projects implemented:



CA2 Intro (1)

Female Entrepreneurship in Moldova – Emergency Initiative for Economic Empowerment

The ‘Female Entrepreneurship in Moldova – Emergency Initiative for Economic Empowerment’ (FEM-EIE) program provided direct support for Moldovan entrepreneurs and displaced Ukrainian entrepreneurs in Moldova, with a specific focus on empowering women. To create a comprehensive, sustainable and empowering network, the program also entailed a support center in Moldova, financial support, access to global network and resources, and entrepreneurship education and training.

Key stats

  • Duration

    01.10.2022 to 31.03.2024

  • Supported

    75 women entrepreneurs from Moldova and Ukraine

  • Locations


  • Partners

    GIZ and BMZ


  • SDG Goal 8 - Decent work and economic growth SDG Goal 9 - Industry, innovation and infrastructure

    33.3% of participating businesses increased their number of female employees.

    141.6% increase in monthly revenue (median monthly) between the first and the last month of the active program phase.

    16 participating businesses gained access to new sales markets through newly developed business relationships by the end of the project period.

“I rely on this community of women entrepreneurs that we have created through the program. We understand each other, we have similar challenges and crises, and it helps immensely when someone understands what you are going through and how difficult it can be.”

— Anastasia Cunetchi, Founder of Kuki Jewelry

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