Annual Impact Report 2023

Annual Impact Report 2023


True socio-economic growth is not only about the highest number of businesses succeeding; it is about the sustainable support infrastructures built and the quality of lives that have been improved.

This report communicates a holistic picture of the impact intended and the impact achieved. With this format, we aim to present to you the big picture of our mission: what we have managed to achieve, what we have learned, and what we have in store for our next steps.

All of our work lies within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals, which is the ultimate “bigger” picture. We are approaching the half-way point to the 2030 deadline, and we all have a collective responsibility to accelerate our efforts and pool our resources towards creating a more equal world that puts people and our planet first.

Impact report 2023

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“We believe in being transparent at every step of the way; sharing our processes, learnings, successes and challenges is vital to not only our growth, but to advocating for change in the field of development cooperation.”

— Matthias Treutwein (Chair of the Executive Board)
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Our work in 2023 at a glance

Key Achievements

  • €319,860 direct financial support

  • 356 people supported

  • 156 companies/organizations supported

  • 480 jobs created or preserved

  • 187 women supported directly and indirectly

  • 757 hours of expert training and dedicated mentoring

Our focus areas

Our projects and programs have focussed on the following objectives:

  • Equitable education: providing learning opportunities for all

  • Women’s Empowerment: pushing forward gender equality

  • Reducing Inequality: increasing access to opportunities

  • Decent Work: creating diverse, empowering workplaces

  • Global Partnerships and Access to Resources: removing structural and systemic barriers

Business areas

We work with entrepreneurs and support organizations across all development stages and cluster our activities in three business areas:

Early-Stage Development

Our approach combines financial support, skill-enhancing measures in business management skills, and access to local and international networks with private and public stakeholders. The objective is to promote local early-stage entrepreneurship through the combination of financial support, capacity-building and network development.

Crisis Relief and Resilience

We are dedicated to supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and entrepreneurs in developing countries during times of crisis. Among the main objectives is the safeguarding of economic infrastructures, local and regional value chains, jobs, and livelihoods for those impacted by a crisis.


We are working to accelerate SMEs and entrepreneurs and strengthen the connection between entrepreneurial ecosystems internationally. The goal is to support the socio-economic development and empowerment of entrepreneurial ecosystems in our partner countries and Germany by promoting international cooperation, learning, and access to funding.


We are thankful for the support and the trust of partner organizations around the world that enable us to continue to reduce
economic inequalities and remove structural and systemic barriers.

Core Area 01: Early-stage development

A seed, by nature, has what it takes to blossom: from the drive to do so, to all the necessary makings of a plant. However, its nature alone is not enough. Without the right environment, and the right resources, the seed will never break through the surface of the soil. 

Through our early-stage development projects, we empower new and existing businesses and organizations through mentoring, financial support, and capacity-building for nine to twelve months.

Impact report 2023

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Projects implemented:


– doroob

– Social entrepreneurship

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Egypt’s Sustainable Manufacturing, MADE By Young Entrepreneurs

The core goal of Manufacturing Advancement and Development in Egypt (MADE) was to identify university students and recent graduates – with innovative ideas for the industry – and empower them to turn these ideas into viable and marketable solutions in practice. Implemented in cooperation with GIZ Egypt, the MADE program was designed to run over three tracks covering Energy Efficiency, Water Accessibility, and Food Security.

“MADE came at the right time and place. Egypt’s manufacturing sector is in dire need of fresh, homegrown ideas to push it forward towards sustainability.”

— Omar Seif El Islam, Digital Fabrication Solutions Manager at San3a Tech

Key stats

  • Duration

    01.08.22 to 28.02.24

  • Supported

    24 businesses/startups

  • Location


  • Partners

    GIZ and BMZ


  • SDG Goal 5 - Gender equality SDG Goal 8 - Decent work and economic growth SDG Goal 9 - Industry, innovation and infrastructure

    The MADE program involved 3 tracks, 9 teams, and 9 months of making sustainable industrial solutions.

    20.8% of the participants were women.

    24 jobs created.

    2 teams that received investment since the end of the project.

Doroob - socially impactful entrepreneurship in Egypt

The mission of the doroob program is to empower entrepreneurs with innovative ideas to establish socially impactful businesses in three of Egypt’s key economic sectors, including the creative industries, agribusiness and tourism. In May 2023, with the support of DROSOS FOUNDATION, enpact launched the first track of the program which targeted entrepreneurs from the creative industries, with a focus on interior and furniture design, performing arts, and handicrafts.

We applied for doroob mainly to gain access to the training. But on the Idea Competition Day, we realized - once more - that there was another asset - the community. The people that the program brings together, including the judges and other like-minded entrepreneurs, are great.

— Haidy Abdelhamid

Key stats

  • Duration

    01.05.2023 to 31.01.26

  • Supported

    7 teams

  • Location


  • Partners

    Drosos Foundation


  • SDG Goal 4 - Quality education SDG Goal 8 - Decent work and economic growth SDG Goal 9 - Industry, innovation and infrastructure

    Young talents have successfully established new businesses in one of the targeted sectors (creative industry, agriculture, health and tourism sectors) in Egypt.

Social entrepreneurship workshops

enpact was proud and excited to have won the community challenge tender of the German Alumni portal. The tender comprised developing and implementing a digital training series with virtual workshops on “Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship” – tackling challenges within the SDG 11 – sustainable cities.

Key stats

  • Duration

    01.04.2023 to 01.12.2023

  • Supported

    50+ participants

  • Location


  • Partners



  • SDG Goal 4 - Quality education SDG Goal 8 - Decent work and economic growth SDG Goal 11 - Sustainable cities and communities

    Participants are virtually trained in the field of ‘Social Entrepreneurship’ to develop their ideas, projects, or research that potentially results in social innovations or startup concepts.

Core area 02 - Crisis relief and resilience

Nothing is certain! While you’re busy planning every detail of how to execute your project, allocating every single resource accordingly, you can never prepare for events that are beyond your control—events that can happen from one second to the next. The only way to overcome the impact of such crisis situations is together.

In a crisis, we provide quick, direct financial support, resilience training, and mentoring over three to six months for MSMEs to sustain their operations.

Impact report 2023

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Projects implemented:



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Female Entrepreneurship in Moldova – Emergency Initiative for Economic Empowerment

The ‘Female Entrepreneurship in Moldova – Emergency Initiative for Economic Empowerment’ (FEM-EIE) program provided direct support for Moldovan entrepreneurs and displaced Ukrainian entrepreneurs in Moldova, with a specific focus on empowering women. To create a comprehensive, sustainable and empowering network, the program also entailed a support center in Moldova, financial support, access to global network and resources, and entrepreneurship education and training.

Key stats

  • Duration

    01.10.2022 to 31.03.2024

  • Supported

    75 women entrepreneurs from Moldova and Ukraine

  • Locations


  • Partners

    GIZ and BMZ


  • SDG Goal 8 - Decent work and economic growth SDG Goal 9 - Industry, innovation and infrastructure

    33.3% of participating businesses increased their number of female employees.

    141.6% increase in monthly revenue (median monthly) between the first and the last month of the active program phase.

    16 participating businesses gained access to new sales markets through newly developed business relationships by the end of the project period.

“I rely on this community of women entrepreneurs that we have created through the program. We understand each other, we have similar challenges and crises, and it helps immensely when someone understands what you are going through and how difficult it can be.”

— Anastasia Cunetchi, Founder of Kuki Jewelry

Core Area 03: Growth and internationalization

“The world is a small village” was one of the buzzing phrases when technology started peaking near the end of the last century. Today, it is more accurate to say that the world is at your fingertips. It’s easier than ever to communicate and collaborate across borders, which means it’s more important than ever to use these resources to facilitate information exchange and bridging opportunity gaps.

We facilitate market access opportunities, strategic partnerships, growth-oriented mentoring, and training for businesses to expand their international impact.

Impact report 2023

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Projects implemented:

– AfricaBerlin Network

– AsiaBerlin Network

– Entry to the European Market

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AfricaBerlin Network

AfricaBerlin Network (ABN) is a collective platform for actors who support startups and SMEs in international expansion and overcoming the challenges of internationalization. The networking project builds bridges to connect entrepreneurship ecosystems in Berlin with the following four African countries: Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, and South Africa.

Through the AfricaBerlin Network, I am connected to individuals that can ease our entry into the Berlin market and functionally allocate our graduates to relevant companies.

— Richard Brandt, Founder, CodeTrain.

Key stats

  • Duration

    01.09.21 to 30.06.23

  • Supported

    500+ network members, 600+ stakeholders engaged

  • Location

    Egypt, Germany, Ghana, Kenya, South Africa,

  • Partners

    Berlin Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises, Berlin Partner for Business and Technology, Berlin Goes International, European Regional Development Fund.


  • Establish a sustainable network among entrepreneurial ecosystems in Africa and
    Berlin which facilitates opportunities for internationalization, institutionalization, and talent access.

AsiaBerlin Community

AsiaBerlin Community aims to establish a sustainable network among entrepreneurial ecosystems in Asia and Berlin and facilitate opportunities for internationalization, institutionalization, and talent access.


We urgently need to scale up our joint efforts. Because, in a nutshell, in the spirit of 2030 Agenda, achieving the 17 goals is not just a job for politicians or politics, the private sector, the scientific community, the civil society and each one of us, we all have a responsibility here. And startups can play an important role in this regard. They are where innovations are forged, where trends are set; with their tech and business models, they show us the ways of working. They respond very rapidly and are flexible and ready to take the risks. They create jobs and contribute to economic development.

— Svenja Schulze, Federal Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany.

Key stats

  • Duration

    2019 to 2023

  • Supported

    60 attendees at a high-level networking event for investors

    1 delegation trip to India

    2 AsiaBerlin pre-summit events

  • Location


  • Partners

    Berlin Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises, AsiaBerlin Forum e.V.


  • Hosting a series of community activities focusing on promoting exchange between entrepreneurs, investors and stakeholders in the Berlin ecosystem with the entrepreneurship ecosystems across Asia.

Reducing Barriers to Entry to the European Market

Berlin Landing Pad aims to facilitate market entry, remove barriers to access, and create points of connection between international startups and Berlin as an entrepreneurial hub.



Overall, I now understand the general situation of the market, the business culture of Germany and also how friendly it is for startups. We now have active contacts in Berlin, consisting of ecosystem builders, as well as sales and distribution partners.

— Dan Hoike, Executive Director, Capy.

Key stats

  • Duration

    17.05.22 to 30.06.23

  • Supported

    24 entrepreneurs, 11 businesses

  • Location


  • Partners

    Berlin Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises, European Regional Development Fund, Berlin Partner for Business and Technology, betahaus, Bosch Startup Harbour.


  • 25% of the total numbers of employees of the participating businesses are youth, 3 teams pitched at the international AsiaBerin Summit, 45 hours of EU market access training provided.

Team reflections

All the work that we do at enpact is made possible through your support as our community, and through the passion and dedication of our enpactors around the world. We cannot talk about our impact without talking about the people who dedicate the most part of their days to making it happen. Get to know the people behind the projects with some of their tips and reflections.

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What is your impact-driven morning routine?

My morning routine and approach to organizing my workday are centered around listening to my body and energy levels. When I wake up, I assess how I’m feeling and label my day as either high energy, medium energy, or low energy. I believe that we feel different each day, so there isn’t a one-size-fits-all routine. On high-energy days, I tackle bulky and demanding tasks, making the most of my productivity and enthusiasm. On medium-energy days, I focus on regular tasks that require steady effort On low-energy days, I prioritize self-care and activities that make me feel good. I think this “flexible approach” allows me to stay productive while also taking care of my well-being. – Menna Sheba

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What is your impact-driven morning routine?

As a novelty-driven personality, I need a regular change of the scene and activity to stay productive and efficient. First of all I need some fuel in the form of good breakfast. I usually don’t talk before 10am and do the organizational work till then. I like to alternate mental work with physical activities, so when I feel I’m stuck
with my task, I get up and water the plants, stretch or organize the space around me. It helps me to refresh and often to come up with a new perspective. – Hanna Starchyk

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Why do we do what we do?

The opportunity to deliver real changes to the economy of my region and help develop entrepreneurship, make it more powerful inspired me to join the project team. Those first results from the creation of participants community, their communication, their common interests and aspirations motivate me to follow my chosen path, promoting and supporting changes in the local business environment. – Bohdan Goncharuk

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Why do we do what we do?

They say one secret to a content life is finding something that motivates you to wake up every morning. For me, working with young entrepreneurs and highlighting the impact they can bring from Egypt to the world is that motivation. It makes me grateful for being part of enpact every day and for feeling content all the way long. Our societies, as emerging economies, yearn for innovative minds to change the game of economic development. Given the uncertainties and current challenges, I believe that it takes immense courage for entrepreneurs to build
impact-driven businesses under such circumstances. This is why I feel honored to empower these changemakers to make a difference through their entrepreneurial journeys. While I’ve lost count of the number of entrepreneurs I met throughout
my time with enpact, I will always remember how each one left me inspired by their work and motivated me to do mine. – Noha Hussein

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With the right resources in place and all the planets in alignment, what would be our Dream Project?

My dream project targets Nicaragua (my homeland) or Central America, focusing
on renewable energy and internet coverage. Central America has abundant untapped renewable resources like wind, hydropower, and geothermal energy from volcanic activity. Rural internet access is limited due to centralization around capital cities, and improving it can enhance education and knowledge
access, as seen during the pandemic. The project would use enpact’s strategies
to support innovation through pre-incubation, incubation, and acceleration. Over one to three cohorts, enpact would help young teams develop marketable and localized solutions for these critical sectors, promoting sustainable development and technological progress in the region. – Sergio Rakotozafy

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With the right resources in place and all the planets in alignment, what would be our Dream Project?

Having previously worked for a Chamber of Commerce, I am very curious to promote the important role of chambers and business associations in the development of entrepreneurship. As a believer in European integration, I would want to implement a project that supports candidate countries for EU membership in their path into the EU. As a lawyer, I dream about a project that supports entrepreneurs in understanding standards and trade regulations for a
more just and inclusive market. If you have read our annual report carefully, you will see that some dreams do come true – so it’s not a matter of if we get to do this, but when! – Simon Wendelin Burger

Become part of the movement

Our work is only made possible through collaborations with organizations and individuals around the world who are invested in reducing economic inequality and advancing societal prosperity. When you partner with us, you create opportunities for entrepreneurs around the world to build impactful businesses, create jobs, develop talents and contribute to their local economies.

Partner with us

Direct Response Fund

In 2023, enpact established the Direct Response Fund. It sets out to provide more direct, immediate and actionable support for entrepreneurs and small businesses whose livelihoods and work have been affected by crisis and uncertainty. The goal is to allow for quick mobilization of support, which would allow entrepreneurs quicker access to much-needed crisis relief in comparison to our current project set-up. The fund is also subject to the same rigorous processes and controls that apply for the funds we receive to implement specific programs.

If you feel inspired by our story, we invite you to make a contribution to the fund, please visit the Direct Response Fund page where you can find more information about the fund and a simple online donation form – all donations are tax-deductible in Germany!

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