Empowering entrepreneurs around the world

Our Mission

We believe in entrepreneurship as a powerful sustainable vehicle for reducing economic inequality and advancing societal prosperity.

  • 6.8M € paid in direct support
  • 15,000+ jobs created
  • 3,200+ businesses supported
  • 1,100+ mentors & experts
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What we do

We empower entrepreneurs and support organizations across all stages of their journey to develop entrepreneurship ecosystems in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, and Latin America. Our approach combines financial support, capacity building, mentoring and network development. 

  • Support for entrepreneurs

    Support for entrepreneurs

    We provide direct financial support, dedicated mentoring, business development training and market access opportunities to grow your business.

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  • Support for organizations

    Support for organizations

    We provide direct financial support, mentoring and training to develop better programs for your target groups and thus increase and expand your impact.

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  • Support for ecosystems

    Support for ecosystems

    We connect ecosystems by bridging resources, building networks and publishing holistic research.

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What’s new?

Candy-maker, engineer and farm owner: Meet the first cohort of the Just Transition through Entrepreneurship project

The first track of our project in Ukraine to support micro-, small, and medium enterprises is now up and running!

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CiviConnectors: Sparking innovation and network creation in Egypt’s CivicTech Sector

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75 women entrepreneurs from Moldova and Ukraine take part in a relief program supported by the German government to counteract the impact of the war

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Meet our partners & donors

Our work is supported by organizations that are invested in empowering entrepreneurs, businesses and entrepreneurial ecosystem actors to create change. We are grateful for their trust and dedication!

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